frequently asked questions
Q: How do I find the live programs?
A: Click here for instructions on how to find the live programming on our Youtube channel.
Q: Am I able to still watch/access programs from earlier weeks?
A: All of the live sessions on our Youtube channel will continue to be accessible using the link posted or by clicking on the video from our website. Some of our films on our Film Festival page are only available for a limited time and most will not be available after the pilgrimage has finished. Unless otherwise stated, they are all available during the week they premiere. The majority of the pre-recorded content will be available throughout the pilgrimage and we will archive them on our website after the pilgrimage has ended.
Q: Why do you not have a full schedule for the entire pilgrimage that is accessible?
A: We are constantly adding programming which makes it impossible for us to give an accurate schedule more than a couple days in advance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Q: When are the videos available to view?
A: Unless it is a live program, all of the videos for a week will be available starting Sunday morning. We have separated the week into themed days in order to organize the sessions, but the videos are all available from the beginning of the week.
Q: Why is the audio/video sometimes bad during the live sessions?
A: Technology is difficult! We always try our best to put on a good session, but sometimes there are factors beyond our control.