Alien Land Law - California laws that prevented non-citizens from owning land
Baka-dumb or stupid in Japanese
Benjo-old fashioned Japanese slang for toilet
Butsudan-small Buddhist altar in the home
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882-prevented immigration from China
CWRIC (Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians)-commission appointment to study the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII
Daikon-Japanese radish
DOJ-Department of Justice
Gaman-a Japanese term meaning to perservere in the face of the unbearable challenges with dignity
Gambatte-a Japanese term meaning “good luck” or “you can do it”
Gannenmono-1st generation of immigrants from Japan to Hawai’i
Gentleman's Agreement-informal agreement that severely limited Japanese immigration to the United States
Gosei-5th generation
Hakujin-white person
Hapa-a person of mixed ethnicity; specifically half Hawai’ian and half white
Hibakusha-an individual who has survived either atomic bombings of Nagasaki or Hiroshima
Issei-1st generation
JA-Japanese American
JLA-Japanese Latin American
Kanji-adopted Chinese characters used in the Japanese writing system
Kendo-traditional Japanese martial art using bamboo swords and protective armor
Kibei-Japanese American who was sent to Japan for some or all of their education
Latrine-a toilet or outhouse, especially a communal one in a camp or barracks
Loyalty Questionnaire-all those of Japanese ancestry 18 years of age or older who were incarcerated in the United States were required to fill out the questionnaire in order to determine their loyalty
Manju-a traditional Japanese confection consisting of flour, rice powder, buckwheat, kudzu, with a filling of anko
Maru-typically refers to a sense of completeness with divination and is commonly used for ship naming practices
Matsuri-a Japanese word that refers to holidays or festivals, which are traditionally sponsored by a shrine or temple
Mess Hall-a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax
Mochi-glutenous Japanese rice cake made from pounding rice, then mixing the rice with water. The paste is then rolled into the desired shape
Nihonmachi-Japantown; cities (mostly along the West Coast) where Japanese immigrants settled.
Nikkei-refers to any individual of Japanese ancestry
Nisei-2nd generation Japanese American
Obachan/Bachan-Japanese word for grandmother
ObonOjichan/Jichan-Japanese word for grandfather
Okazu-a term typically referring to dishes served on the side of rice.
Oshoko-the offering and burning of incense, done with reverence, as homage to Amida Buddha
Picture Bride-refers to the Japanese women who immigrated to the United States through arranged proxy marriages
Redress-to seek or provide recognition and compensation for a wrongdoing.
Rokusei-6th generation Japanese American
Sakura-cherry blossom
Sansei-3rd generation Japanese American
Shikata ga nai-a Japanese phrase meaning, "it cannot be helped"
Shin Nikkei-a Japanese immigrant who came to the United States after 1952
Shoyu-Japanese term for soy sauce
WRA-War Relocation Authority
Yonsei-4th generation Japanese American