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To Connect, Educate, and Empower Young Nikkei

IT ALL STARTED IN 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic upended plans for in-person pilgrimages across the nation. JAMP worked with partner organizations to coordinate Tadaima: A Community Virtual Pilgrimage. This virtual pilgrimage offset the loss of these vital community gatherings. While establishing the programming for Tadaima, Kimiko Marr recruited Hiro Edeza to establish a young adult branch of JAMP for the purpose of creating content by and for youth. Originally the group was to last only for the duration of virtual pilgrimage.

Nikkei Rising was born and the search for young, community-minded, motivated Nikkei began. The resulting group of excited young people came from different cities and had different skills, interests and backgrounds.  All were excited to take part in the new endeavor and were united in a resolve to produce great content and be a light in our community.

Nikkei Rising ran five different programs during the nine weeks of Tadaima. These programs included the Yon-Say Podcast, the JA Opportunity Fair, Hearthside Chats, DIYonsei, and the unofficial After-Hours Socials. Because of the warm support from the community and the fun of producing the Nikkei Rising programs the team decided to continue Nikkei Rising after the conclusion of the virtual pilgrimage. Today our team continues Nikkei Rising with the Yon-Say Podcast, All Things JA, Moshi Moshi Mail, and our bimonthly After-Hours socials. 

The young adult branch of JAMP, Nikkei Rising hopes to connect, educate, and empower young Nikkei with our programming. You can support us by following our Instagram @nikkeirising, taking part in our programs, or even telling your friends and family to join in. We can’t wait to see you there!

Follow Us on Social Media @NikkeiRising

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