to Oct 29

2023 Crystal City Pilgrimage

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Pilgrimage Program Schedule

Thursday, October 26
Registration at 4:00 PM
Meet & Greet Mixer (with a bingo game!) Includes a light dinner

Friday, October 27
Opening Remarks
Educational Workshops
Includes hotel breakfast, lunch and dinner

Saturday, October 28
Pilgrimage to Crystal City
Includes hotel breakfast; lunch, dinner and story-sharing with friends of Crystal City
Includes ADA bus travel to and from the Crystal City Pilgrimage

Sunday, October 29
Intergenerational/Intercultural Reflection Circles
Includes hotel breakfast
Closing Remarks 11:00 AM

For more information: https://www.crystalcitypilgrimage.org/

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8:00 AM08:00

2023 Wakamatsu Pilgrimage

Join Nichi Bei for their third biennial pilgrimage to the site of the first large settlement of Japanese in America, which was established 154 years ago. A national and state historic landmark, the Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony was established June 8, 1869. It is also the birthplace of the first Japanese American, and the grave site of the first Japanese woman buried in the U.S., Okei.


This year’s pilgrimage is a rare opportunity to learn about the storied history of this colony led by John Schnell and former samurai from Aizu-Wakamatsu, present-day Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Participants can trace their own roots through family history consultations with volunteers from the California Genealogical Society.

Event Highlights:

• Talk by Professor John E. Van Sant, author of “Pacific Pioneers: Japanese Journeys to America and Hawaii, 1850-80”
• Bus and bento packages from San Jose, San Francisco, East Bay and Sacramento.
• Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony tours and exhibits, including the Okei gravesite and Graner House Museum.
• Recognizing descendants of Wakamatsu colonist Kuninosuke Masumizu.
• FREE Family History Consultations with California Genealogical Society volunteers.
• Recently-installed monuments.
• Bon Odori dancing to honor ancestors
• Taiko by Koyasan Spirit of Children Taiko … and MORE!

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