When: August 29 - october 2, 2021 Location: Virtual

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Japanese American Memorial Pilgrimages (JAMP) in partnership with the National Park Service co-hosted the second annual Tadaima! A Community Virtual Pilgrimage. This pilgrimage ran continuously for four weeks, with new content provided daily. The pilgrimage was free and open to the public and is available online.

Due to COVID-19 most organized annual pilgrimages to WWII incarceration sites were cancelled in 2020. In response to this challenge JAMP developed Tadaima! A Community Virtual Pilgrimage in an effort to provide a safe space for the Japanese American community and allies to learn, communicate and collaborate as they would during in-person pilgrimages. Tadaima 2020 focused on Japanese American history from the 1800s to today.

Tadaima 2021 expanded upon Tadaima 2020 to address identity, indigeneity, and intersectionality as they relate to the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans. This program showcased Japanese American artists, live panel discussions featuring diverse speakers, and opportunities for Nikkei and allies to engage in meaningful discussions. Tadaima 2021 was a collaborative effort between Japanese American and ally organizations worldwide. We forged new connections within and around our diverse Nikkei community, rebuilt relationships fractured by intergenerational trauma, and assisted the journey of healing collectively through mutual respect and understanding.

our Events INCLUDEd

  • Live panel discussions

  • video links

  • One on One Genealogy Sessions

  • Small group discussions

  • films

We were thrilled to once again host the general public who participated in this historic community driven event. We celebrated the diversity and resiliency within and surrounding the ethnic Japanese community. Scholars, artists, educators, and expert panelists collaborated to deepen our understanding of the after-effects of WWII Japanese American incarceration. We highlighted lesser-known intersectional, indigenous, and intergenerational perspectives. Please consider joining us for future pilgrimages. We welcome those from all walks of life!